Status codes
In this guide, we will talk about what happens when something goes wrong while you work with the API. Let's look at some status codes and error types you might encounter.
You can tell if your request was successful by checking the status code when receiving an API response. If a response comes back unsuccessful, you can use the error type and error message to figure out what has gone wrong and do some rudimentary debugging.
Status codes
Here is a list of the different categories of status codes returned by the eWarehousing API.
- Name
200 OK
- Type
- Description
Your request was successful.
- Name
201 Created
- Type
- Description
Entity was created successfully
- Name
204 No Content
- Type
- Description
Requested entity was canceled / deleted successfully.
- Name
400 Bad Request
- Type
- Description
Unable to process your request, possibly due to invalid data
- Name
401 Unauthorized
- Type
- Description
Authorization failed.
- Name
403 Forbidden
- Type
- Description
No access to the requested resource.
- Name
404 Not Found
- Type
- Description
Object not found.
- Name
405 Method Not Allowed
- Type
- Description
Used HTTP method is not allowed for the resource / URL.
- Name
429 Too Many Requests
- Type
- Description
Exceeded the amount of allowed API requests. Visit the rate limits page.
- Name
5xx server errors
- Type
- Description
A 5xx status code indicates a server error.